Agency Management,
done right.

With our state-of-the-art bidding technology, we ensure you get the best possible free-market rates for your agency workers. With your best interest embedded in the software, we give your organisation total control.

Discover the technology behind our Agency Management Solution

Fairly cascade your shifts to your agency supply chain without switching platforms

With the push of a button, you can simply cascade all relevant shifts to agencies without ever leaving your favourite bank shift management software.

Configure bank-first policies that reflect your immediate needs

Whether you choose to always give priority to bank workers or only within certain timeframes, it’s entirely your call. These are just a few of the many ways you can configure your bank-vs-agency priority policies.

Build your cascade tiers and authorisation limits in any way you like

Group your agencies in as many tiers as you need and configure your authorisation processes to reflect your organisational structure and policies. Our software is designed to give you endless flexibility without forcing you to change your processes.

Open your shifts to competitive bidding

Allow agencies to place as many bids as they want in a competitive manner, leaving the market to determine a truly fair price for your agency shifts. After all, it was never meant to be a first-come-first-served process.

Upload an unlimited combination of agreed rate cards

Pre-load your agreed rate cards and commissions, even if they’re complex. Simply decide whether you allow the system to accept or auto-reject counter-proposals on commissions or worker rates.

Rich in features focussed on clinical safety and financial prudence

Always have named, validated agency workers

Auto-load compliance checks

Before being allowed to work a shift all workers and their agents are asked to digitally sign and accept your contractual terms.

Embed your guidelines to help get the most out of your agency workers

Ensure your T&Cs are signed and counter-signed

Give access to your local guidelines to ensure your agency workers are both well-supported and productive.

Timesheets are always signed by the worker and validated by the agency before they enter your own authorisation processes. Sophisticated error detection tools eliminate timesheet fraud.

Track and forecast your temporary staffing spend all in one place distinguishing between your bank, agency and commission spend as well as the offset against your VAT savings.

Ensure timesheet safety

Track your spend

Automatically and transparently see all the relevant certificates, credentials and checks your organisation requires from agency workers.

We cross-check active registration statuses with the relevant authorities (GMC, NMC, etc.) as a pre-requisite to accepting a bid.

Effortlessly turn on legally compliant VAT savings for your Direct Engagement workers.

Send your agency shifts directly to your agency suppliers’ systems to aid their productivity.

Save through Direct Engagement with VAT savings

Give access through Agency-specific API integration

More than a helping hand

  • Our software is designed by healthcare professionals who have experienced the unique challenges of the NHS both directly from the front line but also from within rota, finance and HR management teams

  • The software and our service have been built in a modular way allowing you to make adjustments to the way in functions to meet your exact needs and your change agenda.

  • You will never be left on your own to implement our products and solutions. Always available to you is a team of project managers with a background in the NHS and expertise in implementation and change management.

  • You will benefit from a direct line to our technical support team which will not only solve your questions but will also provide on-demand training as and when you need it. With us, you won’t have to wait in a queue or reach a mindless algorithm; instead there’s always a human reachable whenever you’re working.

Discover more

Elevate your agency management with modern and sophisticated software.