Meaningfully engage your clinical workforce

Bridge the communication gap between management and your clinical workforce.

Create and share content fit for the modern world

Engaging articles with likes, shares and comments

Post dynamic and rich articles to your community and boost engagement through likes, shares and comments.

Interactive polls that show you listen

Empower your healthcare community by actively listening to their opinions and insights through interactive polls.

Immersive full-screen videos and podcasts

Create immersive educational content with full-screen videos and podcasts.

Embedded clinical guidelines that adhere to best practices

Access vital clinical guidelines seamlessly, precisely when and where they are needed the most.

Group chats that increase engagement

Promote collaboration and increase engagement with healthcare professionals through interactive group chats, fostering a sense of community and knowledge sharing.

Collaborate to create engaging content

Work efficiently as a team to ensure that only the best content is published. Editors can provide valuable feedback, fine-tune the content, and ensure its alignment with the highest quality standards, ensuring that healthcare professionals receive exceptional, up-to-date content that sparks engagement, drives learning, and ultimately improves patient care.

Serve it to the right audience, at the right time

Target messages to different teams, departments, sites to ensure the right message reaches the right person. By targeting the right audience, you ensure maximum attention to the right message.

Meaningfully interact with your colleagues

Collect feedback, reactions and enable viral sharing of your message across your workforce. Send notifications to your staff, proven to be more effective than emails and texts. Enable group messages across our platforms and enhance collaboration and sense of belonging across disciplines.

Measure engagement with insightful metrics

Analyse the levels of engagement of your messages, helping you figure out which tone of voice and messages your healthcare staff engage with more often.

Track everything;
leave nothing to chance

With our powerful funnel analytics, Community empowers you to track every step of your content journey, leaving nothing to chance.

Easily measure:

Impressions, open and read rates

Click-through rates

Likes, shares, comments and responses

An extension of your internal communications team

page views per


available healthcare professionals


average impressions per user


Unlimited possibilities,

real-world uses

More than a helping hand

  • Our software is designed by healthcare professionals who have experienced the unique challenges of the NHS both directly from the front line but also from within rota, finance and HR management teams

  • The software and our service have been built in a modular way allowing you to make adjustments to the way in functions to meet your exact needs and your change agenda.

  • You will never be left on your own to implement our products and solutions. Always available to you is a team of project managers with a background in the NHS and expertise in implementation and change management.

  • You will benefit from a direct line to our technical support team which will not only solve your questions but will also provide on-demand training as and when you need it. With us, you won’t have to wait in a queue or reach a mindless algorithm; instead there’s always a human reachable whenever you’re working.

Create a more inclusive healthcare community.