The Locum’s Nest Blog
Whoo Loves PassportPlus? We do!
Get stuck into all PassportPlus features, the old and the new! It is here that new candidate applications are reviewed, compliance checked and existing staff bank members managed. It is our compliance promise, allowing you to process applicants in a timely and safe manner.
Navigating temporary workforce management & communication with Siobhan Stainer
For our sixth blog of the series, we sat down with Siobhan Stainer from University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) who brings unique insights from her dual perspective as both Communications Officer and recent Service Support Lead for Temporary Staffing at the Trust.
Non-Resident On-Call Shifts – A Hoot of a Guide
In this article, we provide a summary of how to set up Non-Resident On-Call shifts and its importance. These shifts are easy to spot! Just look for the little phone symbol on the shift, a little visual to help them stand out. Candidates will also see this on the mobile app, so everyone’s kept in the loop, no need for guesswork.
7 Highlights From Our First Conference — FFS24
The roar of engines and the precision of Formula 1 met the passion of healthcare innovation on a crisp morning at Silverstone Circuit in early November 2024. Rooted in the foundational pillars of innovation, collaboration, and change, the event brought together a dynamic mix of NHS staff members. Check out the key highlights!
Navigating Quality Improvement with Sally Greensmith
Welcome back to the Locum’s Nest Best Practice series, where we dive into the journeys and insights of incredible NHS colleagues! For our fifth blog of the series, we had the pleasure of speaking to Sally Greensmith, Head of Quality Improvement at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals.
Guide to Shift Tagging and Custom Tabs
Shift Tagging allows you to assign custom tags to your shifts, making it easier to categorise, search, and filter them. These tags appear below each shift in the My Shifts list and can be filtered using a convenient dropdown menu at the top of the table. Best of all, you’ll have access to both the tags you create and those created by others within your organisation.
Navigating Facilities Support Services’ Management with Eimear Jordan
Welcome to the Locum's Nest Best Practice series, where we dive into the journeys and insights of incredible NHS colleagues.
For our 4th blog of the series, we had the pleasure of speaking to Eimear Jordan, Facilities Support Services Manager for Housekeeping and Catering at Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Navigating NHS Charity Management with Mete Redif
Welcome to the Locum's Nest Best Practice series, where we dive into the journeys and insights of some awesome NHS colleagues.
For our third blog of the series, we had the pleasure of chatting with Mete Redif, Engagement and Communications Manager at Royal Free Charity (North Mid).
Exporting Data 101 with Locum’s Nest Intelligence
In this article, we will focus on the Exporting Data element of Intelligence, and regardless of what Locum’s Nest products your NHS organisation is or isn’t signed up to, this is completely free of charge. Here, we will go through a variety of data exports available at your disposal. Whether you are a new Locum’s Nest user or want a quick refresher, this is for you!
Navigating temporary workforce management with Sadia Ahmed
Welcome to the Locum's Nest Best Practice series, where we dive into the challenges and triumphs of some awesome NHS colleagues.
For our 2nd blog of the series, we had the pleasure of chatting with Saida Ahmed, a Rota Coordinator at North Middlesex University Hospital. Saida’s an expert at navigating the complexities of temporary staffing, and she has shared her experience with us.
Transforming NHS service delivery via regional collaboration and data sharing: The SWaG Collaborative Staff Bank
We share how the SWaG Collaborative Staff Bank is operating to benefit all Trusts and NHS staff groups involved. We dive into the gold-standard practices of enhanced visibility, data sharing and resource allocation, powered by cutting-edge workforce technology and collaborative work streams; transforming service delivery across an entire region.
Pre-Match 2.0: The latest updates
At Locum’s Nest, we have a culture of feedback for continuous improvement, to ultimately improve your experience when using and interacting with our technology. With this in mind, you gave us your feedback on Pre-Match 1.0, so it has now been refreshed with additional features to make your life simpler, but with better functionality. Welcome to Prematch 2.0!
Navigating temporary workforce management with Durline Griffiths
Welcome to Locum's Nest Best Practice series, where we delve into the world of temporary workforce management and the crucial role of communication with some awesome NHS colleagues. We had the pleasure of interviewing Durline Griffiths, a seasoned Rota Coordinator at Whittington Hospital. Durline has extensive experience in managing temporary staff and she has kindly shared her experience and insights with us.
Navigating interoperability within the NHS: Connecting for better care
Navigating the modern healthcare landscape can be tricky, with a relentless cycle of passwords and platforms. Clinical data and administrative chores, each demanding their own pathways. The digital age promised ease, yet we continue to input the same data across different systems. Among the software clutter, clinicians lack the vital bridge — interoperability.
Quality improvement: through the lens of a doctor and product manager
As a doctor turned product manager, my medical background had a profound impact on how I approached quality improvement within Locum’s Nest. In medicine, we are trained to question everything and consistently seek improvements to enhance patient care. These principles naturally translated into the product management realm at Locum’s Nest.
The Royal Society of Medicine: A vibrant, global community for healthcare professionals
RSM members make RSM what they are. Their energy and interests shape the education programme. They broaden horizons and those who they connect with. Members come from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines – each with their own story.
Tips for starting out in FY1
Dr Emily Palmer, current You Okay, Doc? ambassador, provides a concise list of useful tips for doctors starting their FY1 year.
Working in Singapore as a UK Trained Medic
Singapore has become a highly desirable destination for doctors looking to experience a different, forward thinking healthcare service which is ranked highly in the global efficiency ratings and at the forefront of medical excellence in the region. You’ll find exceptional professional development opportunities, enabling junior doctors to progress swiftly from training to specialisation.
Reflecting on ASPH’s QI Day: Inspiring Change & Collaboration
I recently had the incredible opportunity to attend the Ashford and St Peter's inaugural Quality Improvement Day 2023. One of the key discussions centred around the balance between marginal gains and blue-sky thinking in driving change processes. The consensus was that both approaches are vital to maintaining momentum and achieving substantial improvements.
Mindful Learning: Reflective Practice as a Tool for Growth with Learna | Diploma MSc
Reflection forms an integral part of self-awareness, evaluation and improvement; by slowing down to create meaning and draw learning from experiences - future actions and decisions are informed. In turn, this reflective process creates a cycle of continuous learning and development. That’s why at Learna | Diploma MSc, all of our postgraduate diploma and master’s courses emphasise…