Whoo Loves PassportPlus? We do!
Jen Muggleton,
Customer Support at Locum’s Nest
Managing your organisation’s staff bank in Locum’s Nest is easy with PassportPlus - our compliance promise! It is here that new candidate applications are reviewed, compliance checked and existing staff bank members managed. Let’s dive into a summary of all features for you to make the most of.
Key Features
Joiners and Leavers
Need to add, remove, or update multiple candidates’ assignment numbers at once? The ‘Import Members’ section is where all this happens.
2. Recruitment Pipeline
This is where all new/existing applications are tracked and managed; view documents, add process notes, and move the candidates through the onboarding process.
3. Spotting Potential new members
Have applicants applying for shifts but not yet in your staff bank? These can all be found in the ‘Hot Recruitment’ table on the dashboard. From here you can kick-start the recruitment process and help to grow your staff bank.
4. Alerts & Compliance Tracking
Real-time alerts, highlighted in red, at the top of the dashboard make it possible to stay ahead of candidates’ expiring documents, visa restrictions, and any professional registration updates.
5. Candidate Profiles & Communication
All the candidate details are stored on their profile; qualifications, employment history and key documents. Plus, with built-in messaging, if any concerns arise or further information is needed it is possible to contact the candidates directly and keep a clear record of all communication, for all managers to see.
6. Document Management & Digital Safebox
Candidates can upload their own documents via the app, which can then be transferred into the Digital Safebox for long-term storage, irrespective of whether the candidate latterly removes them from the app. This means all the documents are on hand when you need them. These can be shared with other organisations in your collaborative, if applicable.
New features
Tags and labels
Categorise and organise candidates on your staff bank using custom tags and labels. These can be either
Passive - for example if they are weekly or monthly paid
Active - an example of which is suspending them from applying for shifts if their compliance has lapsed
These are available on the candidate’s profile but they are also visible on the staff bank export reports for easier management. If you would like any custom tags or labels added for your trust please contact your Customer Solutions Lead to discuss.
2. DE Worker Table
This is a new table, especially for those using the Locum’s Nest Agency platform. This is where all of the Direct Engagement candidates are managed. This is similar to the information found under My Staff Bank and how their assignment numbers are added, however, there are also bank account details, emergency contacts, NI numbers and addresses to help smoothen the process of paying these workers.
Getting the Most Out of Your Dashboard
To keep your dashboard running smoothly smoothly, here’s what we recommend:
Check your Recruitment Pipeline regularly to stay on top of new applications
Stay ahead of compliance by keeping an eye on alerts and the dates of expiring documents
Use Candidate profiles efficiently to manage documents, track qualifications, and communicate directly. Create and flag notes to easily highlight them for other managers.
With these tools, recruitment becomes easier, compliance becomes effortless, and your staff bank stays organised.
Our Efficiency Top Tips
Start your day with a quick check-in – five minutes on your dashboard can help you spot anything urgent.
Use filters & search functions – this will stop you scrolling endlessly as the results will be tailored and you can find what you need instantly.
Encourage candidates to upload their own documents – you can then just easily copy them to your Digital Safebox without having to upload from paper copies yourself.
Take advantage of bulk actions – Managing multiple candidates? Save time by updating records in one go.
Make the Most of PassportPlus
This is only a brief overview of what PassportPlus has to offer. More information and details of all of the above can be found in the help centre, under the guide for PassportPlus.
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This was made in conjunction with our Asking For a Friend webinar series. Keep an eye out for our next one and join us for more useful information like this!
Are a Locum's Nest user and have questions about PassportPlus? Our support team is ready to assist, get in touch by emailing support@locumsnest.co.uk.
If you’re not a user, but are interested in PassportPlus in helping meet your temporary staffing objectives, book a call with our team.